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Top 100 Questions from Ancient History (last part)

top 100 question from ancient history

Top 100 Questions from Ancient History

Top 100 Questions from Ancient History

1. Give the name of the tribe which is not related to the  ‘Panchjana’ of the Rig Veda Aryans?

▶  (A) Kikat

▶  (B) Turvasa

▶  (C) Puru

▶  (D) Yadu

▶  Ans: A


▶  The famous Battle of Ten Kings or the Dasrajan Yudha was fought between the tribe Bharatas, led by king Sudas, and the Confederacy of the other ten tribes – Puru, Yadu, Turvasa, Anu, Druhyu, Alina,  Paktha, Bhalanas, Shiva and Vishanin.

▶  The battle broke out because of a dispute between Vashishta and  Vishwamitra.

▶  Vishwamitra supported the group of ten tribes in which five were  Aryans and another five were non-Aryans.

▶  This battle was fought on the river Parushni

▶  Anus, Druhyus, Yadus, and Turvasas were the allies of the Purus against the Bharatas. These five are the five peoples (Panchjanah)  fo the Rig-Veda.

2. An inscription of 14th century B.C. which describes the Vedic-  Gods has been found in?

▶  (A) Bisotun

▶  (B) Babylon

▶  (C) Boghaz-Koi

▶  (D) Ecbatana

▶  Ans: C

▶ Boghaz-Koi tablets, a collection of more than 20,000  inscriptions, refer to cultural practices like the Vedic culture in central Asia. It mentions Indra, Varuna, Mitra and Nasatya.

▶  They spoke Sanskrit, an Indo-European language.

▶ Aryans names appear in the Hittite inscription (Anatolia), Kassitte inscription (Iraq) & Mittani inscription (Syria).

▶  An Iranian text, Zend Avesta talks about the names of Aryan  Gods like Indra, and Varuna.

Top 100 Questions from Ancient History

3. In the context of Indian culture ‘Rit’ means?

▶  (A) Social law

▶  (B) Human law

▶  (C) Artificial law

▶  (D) Natural law

▶  Ans:D

▶  Rit is described as that which is ultimately responsible for the proper functioning of the natural, moral, and sacrificial orders.

4.   Who among the following is regarded as War-God in the Rig  Veda?

▶  (A) Varuna

▶  (B) Surya

▶  (C) Indra

▶  (D) Agni


Top 100 Questions from Ancient History

5. Satyamev Jayate’ which is engraved on the Indian Emblem has  been taken from?

▶  (A) Matsya Purana

▶  (B) Mundakopanishad

▶  (C) Bhagavad Gita

▶  (D) Rig Veda

▶  Ans:B

Veda Brahmanas Upanishad Officiating priest
Rig Veda Aitareya,  Kaushitaki Aitareya,  Kaushitaki Hotri
Sama Veda Tandyamaha,  Jaiminiya Chandogya, Jaimi  niya Udgatri
Yajur Veda Taittiriya,  Satapatha Taittiriya, Katha,  Svetasvatara,  Brihadaranyaka,  Isa Adhvaryu
Atharva Veda Gopatha Mundaka, Prasna,  Mandukya Brahman

6. The largest number of the Mantras in Rig Veda belongs to?

▶  (A) Yama

▶  (B) Vishnu

▶  (C) Varuna

▶  (D) Agni

▶  Ans:D

7. In which of the Vedas, Sabha and Samiti are called two daughters of Prajapati?

▶  (A) Atharvaveda

▶  (B) Yajurveda

▶  (C) Samveda

▶  (D) Rig Veda

▶  Ans:A

Top 100 Questions from Ancient History

8. Match the List-I and List-II and choose the correct answer from the code given below.

List-I List-II
(a) Atharvaveda 1. God Grace
(b) Rig Veda 2. Sacrifice process
(c) Yajurveda 3. Medicine
(d) Samaveda 4. Music

a b c d
(A) 3 1 2 4
(B) 1 2 3 4
(C) 2 3 4 1
(D) 3 4 1 2

9. Match List-I and List-II and choose the correct answer from the code given below.

List-I (Vedic Rivers) List-II (Modern Name)
(a) Kubha 1. Gandak
(b) Parushni 2. Kabul
(c) Sadaneera 3. Ravi
(d) Shutudri 4. Sutlej

a b c d
(A) 1 2 4 3
(B) 2 3 1 4
(C) 3 4 2 1
(D) 4 1 3 2

10. Anekantavada is a core theory and philosophy of which one of the following?

▶  (A) Vaishnavism

▶  (B) Sikhism

▶  (C) Jainism

▶  (D) Buddhism

▶  Ans: C


▶  The principle of Anekantavada is related to Jainism.

▶  It states that the ultimate truth and reality is complex and has multiple aspects.

▶  According to Jainism, no single, specific statement can describe the nature of existence and the absolute truth.

Top 100 Questions from Ancient History

11. Who was the first founder of the Shwetambar creed during the first partition of the Jain creed?

▶  (A) Deverdhi Kshama Sharaman.

▶  (B) Kalakacharya

▶  (C) Bhadrabahu

▶  (D) Sthulabhadra

▶  Sthulabhadra was the founder of the Shwetambar creed during the first partition of the Jain creed. Sthulabhadra stayed in the  north during the severe famine.

12. Who used the caves of Barabar as their shelter-house?

▶  (A) Tantrikas

▶  (B) Jains

▶  (C) Tharus

▶  (D) Ajivikas

▶  The caves were used by ascetics from the Ajivika sect,  founded by Makkali Gosala, a contemporary of Gautama  Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, and of Mahavira, the last  and 24th Tirthankara of Jainism.

13. Who built the ‘Gommateshwara’ statue at Sravanabelagola?

▶  (A) Tejpala

▶  (B) Kumarpala

▶  (C) Krishan-I

▶  (D) Chamundraya

▶  Ans:D


▶  Bahubali also called Gomateshwara was an Arihant.

▶  A monolithic statue of Bahubali referred to as “Gommateshvara”  built by the Ganga dynasty minister and commander  Chamundaraya is a 60 feet (18 m) monolith and is situated above  a hill in Shravanabelagola, in the Hassan district of Karnataka. It  was built in the 10th century AD.

Top 100 Questions from Ancient History

14. Which one of the following statements is not correct?

▶  (A) The Hoyseleswara temple is dedicated to Shiva

▶  (B) The Khajuraho temples were built under Chandela Kings

▶  (C) India’s largest Buddhist monastery is in Arunachal Pradesh

▶  (D) The statue of Gomateshwara at Sravanabelagola represents  the last Tirthankara of Jains

▶  Ans:D

▶  Bahubali also called Gomateshwara was an Arihant. According  to Jainism, he was the second of the hundred sons of the first  Tirthankara.

15. Who was the first follower of Mahavira?

▶  (A) Trishala

▶  (B) Aanojja

▶  (C) Yashoda

▶  (D) Jamali

▶  Ans:D

Trishala (Sister of Lichchhavi chief  Chetaka). (Chetaka’s daughter married Haryanka King Bimbisara.

Top 100 Questions from Ancient History

16. Heliodorus of ‘Besnagar inscription’ was a resident of?

▶  (A) Mathura

▶  (B) Sakala

▶  (C) Takshila

▶  (D) Pushkalavati

▶  Ans: C


▶  Heliodorus was a Greek ambassador who described himself as a  Bhagavata and a resident of Taksasila.

▶  Heliodorus constructed a pillar at Vidisha in honor of Vasudeva  (Krishna).

▶ India in Vidisha near modern Besnagar, by Heliodorus, a Greek ambassador of the Indo-Greek king Antialcidas to the court of the Sunga king Bhagabhadra.

17. Which Kand of Ramayana describes the first meeting of  Rama and Hanumana?

▶  (A) None of the below

▶  (B) Bal Kand

▶  (C) Sunder Kand

▶  (D) Kishkindha Kand

18. Who were Nayanars?

▶  (A) Suryopasaka

▶  (B) Vaishnava

▶  (C) Shakta

▶  (D) Shaiva

▶  Ans:D


▶  Nayanars

▶  a group of 63 Tamil Hindu saints living during the 6th to 8th  centuries CE who were devoted to the Hindu god Shiva.

▶  Alvars were the devotees of Vishnu.

▶  Followers of Basveshwara were called Lingayats.

Top 100 Questions from Ancient History

19. Mahajanapadas situated on the bank of river Godavari was………….

▶  (A) Kamboja

▶  (B) Assaka

▶  (C) Vatsa

▶  (D) Avanti

▶  Ans: B


  • This state was situated on the banks of the river Godavari. Its capital  was Potan or Pantali.
  • This Mahajanapada is the only Mahajanapada in South India that is mentioned in Buddhist literature.
  • Like Kosala, Asmak was also ruled by Ikshvakuvanshi rulers.
  • was the sole Mahajanapada, which is situated south of the  Vindhya range
  • Buddhist sources claim that King Brahmadatta ruled over  Assaka.

20. During the period of 16 Mahajanapadas, Mathura was the capital of …………..

▶  (A) Surasena

▶  (B) Kashi

▶  (C) Vatsa

▶  (D) Vajji

▶  Ans: A


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